Networking Event

Since 2016

Networking Event is bringing professionals and participants together around the same table with its slogan “Not on the Stage but Next to You”. This way, we could hear from professionals who could be our role models and ask questions to experts in their field while benefiting from their experiences. Our professionals were also contributing by providing mentorship to eligible students. Our efforts were recognized by the Society of Women Engineers and Networking Event was awarded with the 2021 WE Local Outstanding Professional Development Event Award. Due to the pandemic, we had to convert our round table, intimate, face-to-face event online and carry it out through Zoom. By utilizing Breakout Rooms, we were able to achieve the same intimate environment and differentiate Networking Event from others as well as providing a true networking experience to our participants. This year, we plan on organizing a 2-day event, where we will welcome both online and face-to-face participants and bring them together with experienced female professionals to continue fulfilling our “Not on the Stage but Next to You” mindset with our awarded event.